Early Scan
From week 6+0-13+6
Please note: This scan cannot be booked as a follicle scan.
Up to 20 minutes (30 minutes for twins)
Price dkr. 500,- (dkr 700,- for twins. Read about twins here)*
How far along am I?
Using the pregnancy calculator: For this scan do not correct for a shorter or longer cycle than 28 days as your pregnancy may not be as advanced as expected which means we may not be able to detect a heartbeat yet. Only go by the first day of your last period.
Please note that in spite of calculations based on dates your scan may still show that you’re either shorter or further along than expected and this is normal. We won’t be sure how far you are until we have measured the size of your fetus.
What's included in the consultation?
A consultation includes obtaining pregnancy history as a baseline for assessing your baby’s growth and health, an ultrasound scan, a written report and a color photo of your baby all nicely presented in a folder. All the images and clips (silent) from the scan are sent via Tricefy. You can buy extra color photos at the price of dkk 20/pc. 3D and 4D when possible.
We look for a tiny heartbeat, the embryo is measured and we set a temporary due date. We check that the pregnancy is not ectopic. It is often necessary to perform this scan through the vagina, especially before week 10. We cover you up with a cloth during the scan and you can consider wearing a dress or long shirt if you want to be covered on the way from the changing cabin to the examination bed. We cannot determine the gender at this scan.
Please note: Out of concern for you we try to make vaginal scans last as short as possible.
What if it's not as expected?
Sometimes we can’t visualize the fetus or a heartbeat. The most common reason for this is that the pregnancy is not as far advanced as expected.
In these cases, as one of very few clinics, we invite you back for a follow up with no extra charge (does not apply if you are less than 6+0 weeks of gestational age calculated from the first day of the last period (without correction for cycle) or date of conception (fertility treatment)).
In case of issues with the fetus’s health or growth we will guide you about the next steps.
About re-scans
If you’re not sure about your dates the scan is considered an EDD scan, and a re-scan will not be available.
Re-scans are available on weekdays before 4PM (provided there is an available time).
Re-scans are not available on weekends and cannot be booked online. If you change your appointment via our booking system without consulting us in advance you will pay for the scan you have booked.
Please note: This is not an Anomaly Scan.
*Prices are subject to change
At Spire you will only meet FMF-certified sonographers. We do all types of pregnancy scans and we have the latest equipment ensuring great looking images with all scans.
We are registered with the Danish Patient safety Authority