Sidste menstruations første dag:
Last Menstrual Period:
Antal dage i din cyklus:
Cycle Length:
Lad den stå på 28 hvis du ikke kender din cykluslængde.
Leave it at 28 days if you're not sure about your cycle length.
Dit undfangelsestidspunkt:
Time of Conception:
Din forventede terminsdato:
Estimated Due Date:
Så langt er du henne:
You are this far along:
Please note, we do not offer a free rescan if you are less than 6+0 weeks pregnant based on date of conception (fertility treatment) or the first day of you last menstruation with NO correction for a longer or shorter cycle than 28 days. In other words: Leave your cycle length at 28 days if you’re calculating when to book an Early Scan.
At Spire you will only meet FMF-certified sonographers. We do all types of pregnancy scans and we have the latest equipment ensuring great looking images with all scans.
We are registered with the Danish Patient safety Authority