Certificates and diplomas
Pernille Ahnfelt-Rønne
Vi anbefaler, at du tjekker personalets erfaring, når du skal scannes privat. Hvis din sonograf har et DFMS kompetencebevis og er FMF-certificeret til nakkefoldsscanning og gennemscanning (også kaldet misdannelsesscanning) kan du være sikker på, at der ligger god erfaring bag.
We recommend that you check the level of experience among the staff when you get an obstetric scan in the private sector. If your sonographer has a DFMS competence certificate and is FMF-certified for Nuchal Translucency Scan (1st timester) and Fetal Abnormalities (Anomaly) Scan (2nd trimester) you can be sure that there is a good level of experience behind.

At Spire you will only meet FMF-certified sonographers. We do all types of pregnancy scans and we have the latest equipment ensuring great looking images with all scans.
We are registered with the Danish Patient safety Authority